The Rose Garden
Thread Topic: The Rose Garden
You innocent child
You have no idea how confused you are making me
pfffff i don't even know the phrase but i already can tell how innocent you are, cats, lmao- june q me the phrase unless you don't want to then that's ok- i'm just curious-
Just because I don't know what some weird phrase means doesn't make me innocent!
i beg to differ-
W h y s o m e a n t o m e : (
i'm not trying to be :'(
Page one of my shout-out book is out!
Mother, whenever you see this, you are in slot 3!
There is no particular order, the longest slots have the longer names and the smaller slots have smaller names -
@Cinna, Ill send it to you. Lol
Tysm for putting me in there! :D💖 -
I was posting this alt in my alt thread and instantly forgot it was my alt when I left, so I was just staring at it and wondering who tf posted in my alt thread-
Hi June
Hi son :D
June, check you rQuotev messages. PLS
@Trem, gud, wbu?
@Angel, K
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