The Rose Garden
Thread Topic: The Rose Garden
What if all her sheep die??
Then she just needs to close her eyes and don't open them for 9-10 hours
But I usually get to bed at 1AM :(
If I slept for 9-10 hours then my mom would yell at me for getting up late. :/
then wake up in 7-8 hours
June, if the sheep die then just eat them and that should keep you awake.
Good idea Angel :0
Yeah. That don't taste bad and you'll just gain some more once their gone.
I like eatings lambs tho. They taste pretty good. :3
Even the baby lambs? :3
Yus π½π
Yas!!! :3 Lamb chops for snack.
(Why do I feel like this is gonna summon Dere-) -
June, my hair is not red. It is pink and my red horn is actually silver.
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