The Rose Garden
Thread Topic: The Rose Garden
@Chainsaw, Thank you for telling me that ^^
Aight I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna block her
But what if she spreads rumors about me? -
She spreads rumors, I'll personally murder her :)
I don't want rumors getting spread about me again
It'll completely break me
I'll probably get really anxious
Everybody would believe her
It'd be HighRise all over again
Rumors get spread about me and then I get destroyed -
I don't wanna relive those events again
June, living on the past will never help.
People who spread rumors are fakes
People who were once your friends but believed the rumors are partly fake
People who stand by your side no matter what are true
I've learnt that, if you let the past go, it could lighten a lot of weight off your shoulders.
Build courage, show confidence; be yourself for who you are. -
Since I'm feeling pretty brave I'll block her :3
Also I have a horrible addiction to roleplays I made it a whole 12 1/2 hours
June slap me now!
She came online the same time I did and started acting friendly. I can't do thissssssss!!!
@Tat, XD -
June do it! fi you don't do it I'll slap you then have you slap me or you can go look at my thread and go see what I said about women!
She's probably just putting on a show
Ya know what
She makes me uncomfortable then I make her uncomfortable u_u
@Brycen, NU I DON'T WANT TO D:> -
June go into my thread and go back 1 page and read from the top down
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