Solar Eclipse
Thread Topic: Solar Eclipse
Thank you, people š¶
I happen to be an undercover agent, one of you in disguise! I find anonymity comfortable -
*starts shaking in sleep hard*
*Licks Dusk's scruff*
Cool. You should tell me who you are and I won't tell.
That would sort of ruin the point
Nice Soul your my father aren't ya
*still shakin cause Dusk has nightmare*
Cats: hehe I totally have nothing to do with the child's bad dreams teehee -
Not if you only tell me. Nobody will know. *smiles sweetly, has arm around his waist*
Nah, heās yo mom
Aye, gottem
Apparently I have children now lmao
So your my Dad then Soul?
Awkward. Well, he ain't my dad. My mom is Cat's.
I sure hope I'm not, that would make our relationship incredibly awkward
Wait. Cat's said my mom was June and then she was like but I'm also your mom so I'm like...Omg..He is my Dad.
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