Solar Eclipse
Thread Topic: Solar Eclipse
@Brcyen: SLAPPING WON'T HELP >:)))
*Huggies non-stop* -
*Doesn't stop slapping*
*Slaps Brcyen to cause him to stop slapping himself even tho it's a slap as well but I don't even know what to put here by now it's just a filler*
*this is filler slaps both Brcyen and Espie* Stop slapping yourself! And, Espie, you know slapping that Dumpster won't help!
Hm, I guess you're right. -w-
*Slaps self over and over* -
Post a quiz in meh thread n I'll comment n rate
*posts* click on profile pic and take em all
👀 -
Omg, this'll take long
I shall choose a max for now
Max; three -
Damn :(
What's wrong? :(
I hate getting flashbacks from things I don't want to remember.
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