Solar Eclipse
Thread Topic: Solar Eclipse
Cool thread name!
Aww, thank you! :D
Not many people come to my threads! ^ω^ -
Hewo! :D
how ru????
I'm fine.
I'll come to your thread 🖤
How about you? :D
could be better.
Oh! Sorry to hear! :c
I'm always here for you! :3 -
y u sorry?!!:( -
@pAsTeL cLoWn: Thank you!! ^ω^
@jacob4: I feel sorry for you! :c
I have a weird thing (My mother says she has it too), where I can put myself in someone's place and feel their emotions, what they're feeling and what they're going through.
Like for example, what I see in you is that you're having a hard time getting people to trust you. It's hard when you want to become friends, but all they do is push you away... <:3 -
oh, was the example for me?
and dont be just depressed rn -
Yep! That example was for you! ^ω^
Also, I'm naturally depressed!
Both depression and anxiety, but I'm fighting! ^ω^ -
what did it mean? jw!!!
I feel like we did meet beforeeeee
this is an art of someone. still get used to them lol
give me 3 guesses for wjch user u areeer
I forget a lot thats y so im dumb lol
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