Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
Cats- it means in your opinion
Ya, what Cham said
But I just feel really annoyed sometimes. Like I’ll plow anyone down who thinks of saying something annoying
I just can't with some people. Like, I'll get a vibe from them that makes me just kinda rude and short-tempered.
Totally don't get that vibe from somebody here -
I was talking about Lennox, she's just a b---- sometimes, y'know?
Frick you, Crazy
Cats is exploding again...This one looks like it could be a nuke. Watch out, y'all...
Bruh I can't even think
From the way you're talking, it sound like Lennox isn't actually that bad
You've never met her, then. -
If she is "annoying and starts fights" like I supposedly do, she's probably not that bad
Then that explains your view of yourself. Please leave my thread.
**walks out door and slams it**
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