Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
Or spiders. eughhhh
Gonna slep now cuz I is tired
G'night Ellie Jelly Bean!
I forgot to complain about waking up, whatever shall I do with myself?
Mood XD
Imma take a showa
'Aight, ttyl
Don't think I've ever said that before, but I'm just gonna go with it. -
Hmph. Why is it so hard asking out girls? I could've sworn asking out boys were easier...
Eh. I'm hopeless, aren't I? Chasing after a boy who is not interested since 6th grade, falling in love with my best friend who has a boyfriend, now talking with my other best friend, who is the boy I've been chasing after, about how to ask out a girl. Now he's asking me for advice if he should break up with his girlfriend. What is this madness??
Would you like me for Halloween??š«š«šš
Hm. Y'know what, sure.
YAY!!! š«š«š«ššš
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