Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
chat why do my pics not post im literally gonna tweak out
??? im doing it right yes??? [ img ] https :// [ /img ] but without the spaces???
do we still use post img or is there a new one that im unaware of
sameee mine haven't been working either lol
it's so frustrating!!! i just want my silly pictures
I'm going to try it here:
Can you guys see it? -
All it shows for me is User Image, but I am currently on my phone
i can't ... it might be my browser? im on a newer iphone just on safari
can you see mine? i'll post one
it shows me a box with a blue question mark, but again, def could be my browser
and im thinking thats the reason, but i can see madi's images on her music thread, so... (also thanks for the idea madi 😛)
instead of image link/url I copied the image itself idk
i'll try that
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