Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
ughhh being out of fire academy has made me fat again
anorexic where? like what
schedule for today:
wake up 6:45
shower & get ready 7-7:50
school 8-3 (i love you senior early release)
jerk around doing nothing 3-6 maybe nap idfk
trio practice with enzo and chris 6-8
ditch chris and smoke with enzo 8-10
no time for gym sigh
dinner 10
instagram reels 10-2 -
maybe i'll hang out with charlotte or gray tmrw i think charlottes pissed at me bc i no called no showed at work yesterday
but i was also deathly sick and our managers declined the person i asked to take my shift so die
i fear charlottes a bit of a suck up at work like girl you don't get paid enough to care 💔
i got it
tmrw me and charlotte will go out and finish our valentines gifts for her bf and my gf and get flowers and then on friday i'll see gray and we'll go on a date
and on saturday i'll sleepover at charlottes house bc we both work 7-3 on sunday and then after work on sunday ill see grayson for her bday
my wallet is empty from november-february
jan 18 charlottes bday
jan 22 year anniversary
feb 14 valentine's day
feb 16 gf bday -
i didn't even put jadyn's bday with that 😭 nov 30
thank god the only other person i buy gifts for is in june 🙏🙏 thank you enzo for being young asf
like how are you turning 17 in june and then only 2 months later im 18
that dude runs my freaking pockets dry bro bc why am i buying you SKIBIDI TOILET on fortnite
i've decided i'm not buying ashlyn any more gifts
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