Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
Poppity corns πΆπ
alright im sold
*cackles and scuttles over with a bowl of popcorn*
we can't forget the candy tho
Oh my goodness you're right
Have you ever tried mint M&Ms before? :0 -
oh my goodness no what those are real omg
They're real I have like two bags!! They're from America and they're literally delicious you have to try 'em
omg. I live in america. what are the chances /hj
Then go get them vroom vroom they're amazing -
well you see its 2 in the morning and im underage ;D
That never stopped anybody >:)
Then later u-u but at some point please buy 'em they're worth it lol -
ok yeah I will im going out tomorrow-technically-today so ill look for them
im sorry im gonna have to sleep now ill talk to you later buddie
Ooo yeye I think they're in like Walmarts or smth
Alrighty, g'night fren! I hope you have a good sleep :D -
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