Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life stronger.
Thread Topic: Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life stronger.
I should do my laundry
my bf and I just finished The Rain and im sad bc it was sad
omg I would love to visit Machu Picchu
im pretty sure I studied this in art history but oml its so pretty -
I read a passage about Machu Picchu.
what do you think of it?
its so pretty and I think its so cool lol -
It's an amazing place.
there was a similar place but I forgot the name of it.
but it was used as a theater back in the day -
acropolis of Athens
thats what it was called omg -
I knew it was greek
wait thats not what its called
Theatre of Delphi
actually there's so many thats similar...
I love DP. He's right.
he's literally the philosopher in the server, and was given such a cute nickname for it too.
im not good with words, but sometimes I wish he was here to say all the wise words he's got to offer. I really think that what he has to say would help shed some light for most of you.
I wish T was here, bc he's also wise, but he's more on the aggressive side, so no lol -
tempted. real tempted.
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