Drekk's thread.
Thread Topic: Drekk's thread.
thank you. that's very nice to hear : )
4 days
why is blood so goddamn pretty
im cold
Hey, I just want you to know I may not be a consistant friend because of my situation; but if you need anyone, feel free to DM me. I care about ya. Take care of yourself. Also, a blanket might help if you're cold ☺
thank you : )
iv been feeling cold alot lately. even when it's not cold at all -
these chips are more than 4 months past their best by date
they're not bad tho
So you ate them
still am eating them actually
What kind of chips?
That sounds pretty good ngl
they are. plus they aren't even a little stale
'Aight then, I can't blame you for eating them
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