Drekk's thread.
Thread Topic: Drekk's thread.
how do you get a metal splinter?
Work with something old and chipping.
I've gotten one before...don't ask how... -
Someone I knew got one from his fencing sword
that sounds like it must be a bad sword : (
Well, fencing swords are constantly used for.. fencing? Lol. So if they're not handled properly, ye
yeah, but they really shouldn't splinter unless there's something wrong with the sword. at least from what i know
1 day. it doesn't feel like an accomplishment tho, which is a bit weird cause it usually does
i hated reading that earlier and i hate that i hated it
one day is an accomplishment, drekk. love you <3
thank u : )
Just wait until you make it two days tonight đź’Ş
: )
i wonder what would happen if i killed myself
I would be really sad and so would other people
I'd lose an important friend of mine
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