Drekk's thread.
Thread Topic: Drekk's thread.
I must be careful. Drekk is not to be trusted.
The man pulled a knife on me
Failed the all nighter
Mega oof. I did an all nighter once but I found myself passing out everywhere I went.
I only feel asleep for like 3 hours luckily
im feeling pretty good today but im wanting to SH more thank usual
Are y'all really reading my thread knowing full well it's just gonna be some depro shiz?
by Faceless Knight -
I wonder how long I'm gonna be keeping a sharpie in my pocket. A month? A year? The rest of my life?
sharpie do be good tho
when u get the urge to lock your thread and disappear from servers for no f---ing reason at all
why am i angry now. i have no reason to be angry
seriously wtf. im like really mad and i dont know why
is this gonna be a thing now? just getting random f---ing random strong emotions? gotten sad as f---, nervous enough that my hands shake, and now im angry enough that i feel like id snap if anybody says something i don't like. random emotions for no reason at all. it's f---ing bulls---
i said random too much
i feel bitter
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