Drekk's thread.
Thread Topic: Drekk's thread.
^Same. Ever need me, just ask. I may not have advice, but I listen.
Recently iv been feeling like I actually have control over at least a small part of each day but I got shown just how untrue that is
I don't even have the mental energy to use whatever I have left of the night
I'm just gonna sleep. 0 days
Struggling to even get on my pc but ik if I don't my mental state will suffer lol. Brain sucks
It was def the right call : )
Proud of you š„°
: )
do yall think it's too late to get a refund on this whole "being alive" thing ?
I hope not dude
*Pops in*
I sometimes question that. -
You doing okay?
Physically, Yes. Mentally,
I was asking drek, but its good to know your okay too
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