Here it is
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 7, '20 3:54am
Thread Topic: Here it is
Q for GTQ
Hey guys! Today is the firstdayweek that im doing question of the week!
This time its on coding! First to answer gets a free account and a special shout out in my quiz Want something else? Ask me!
Question: what are semi-colons for in javascript?
Answer me here!
Please check this out next week!
The winner chooses the topic for next week. And about the new account : request the name and ill do it and ill tell you the code on discord. My discord: quizmaster12345#3760 (if that doesnt work then try #3670)
Send a message with the answer! -
No idea.
Don't think I've encountered java script before.
A bit of a disappointment
Such a small question
First to Answer gets this account! -
I did answer, though.
You never said it had to be a correct answer.
It wasn't a answer
It was a statement -
To you, maybe.
Yes to me my thought also counts.
And please respect the rules -
Also? So my thought does count.
Nevermind. I already have a more than satisfactory q account, and anyway, I wouldn't be able to cobtact you off-site.
You think your being reasonable but let me tell ya something I'm a bit upset with the way you are not listening to my rules
And please stop ruining the thread
You haven't stated any rules regarding the content of an answer on here, so I don't know what they are.
And I'm sorry.
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