Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
What time
Its 8:14 here in canada -
It's 8:19am in Virginia.
Is it cold or warm
I think I'm dyslectic. I can't spell the simple words. Still making 5-year-old spelling mistakes. Can't sound out a word even if I should already know it.
It's really hot, here. And still getting hotter.
(I hate this Newbie response time.) -
Just stepped on my computer accidently wait why is it on the floor -
To level up faster you have to make quizzes
I honestly don't have the time. I think up several ideas, but as I'm not really supposed to be here, I can't find the time to make a quiz.
Well I think commenting on quizzes also no that's if it's on your own quiz
I can make a quiz and youl link link it your account -
But, it won't help me level up. I have quizzes of my own, and I've tried linking them, but it doesn't work.
Try making a quiz anyway
I don't feel like it, at the time.
I might publish my autobiography on Quotev, though. That'll be quick since I pre-typed it. -
How old ru
Nvm font answer that
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