Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
I told you to do that, but you didn't think it was necessary.
smh -
Not now, Rose.
It's storming. I might have to come back and find it tomorrow.
I am so upset with myself. I thought "Oh! I'll just search the name, and the right article will come up!"
No, stupid. Do you know how many articles contain that name?
Idefk the name of the article!!! -
Only 2,685 results to search through....idiot. -
Don't laugh at my misery.
Oh, carp. It's my day to cook, isn't it?
Yeah. And it's storming, so if the power goes out, we ain't eatin' nothin'. -
I did a major stupid, yo.
I should probably get off of here if it gets any worse.
I can't find the article, but I'm happy and don't even know why. I just feel so much better, and nothing even happened to cheer me up.
This is becoming very confusing. -
I need to go. The storm's getting bad.
See you, GTQ. Don't forget to stop by my wedding planning thread in the garage.
π€π€π€π€π€π€ -
Okay, my mom said I need to find the article before they update the site, or else I'll have an even harder time finding it tomorrow.
This is NOT fun.
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