Daily Animal Thread
Thread Topic: Daily Animal Thread
I will post pictures of animals, because animals are very good.
Today's winning animal: Sea Otters! ๐
Sea Otters are very good because they:
- Hold paws while sleeping so they can stay close together.
- Use rocks to crack open shells. Very very smart.
- Have uber dense fur to keep warm in all that cold water.
What will tomorrow's animal be?
(For those unaware: this account no longer belongs to the user 1714/Drew.) -
If you have another animal you're interested in, you're free to post a suggestion instead!
And if nobody chooses to post or vote, that's fine too. I'll pick out another lucky animal regardless. :) -
Today's Winning Animal: Honey Bees! ๐
Honey Bees are very gud because they:
- have been producing honey w their secret formula for about 150 million years.
- can beat their wings 200 times per second. That's so speedy of them. Very fast
- communicate to each other by dancing! Woo wiggle wiggle.
Honey bees are very important to our land, and as humanity progresses and the world changes, it makes it harder for certain animals to survive. That's why we should try our best to protect these little babs, because they're working hard for the land too.
what will tomorrow's animal be? -
Today's Winning Animal: Highland Cattle! ๐
Highland Cattle are very good because they:
- Are called a fold rather than a herd when in groups together. Very neat.
-Are protective of their little babs, so be extra careful and kind around these cows.
- Are very docile despite being protective of their young. They love attention, and you probably won't ever find them being moo-dy very often at all!
Highland Cattle are also known to have very tasty meat for humans to enjoy - but remember that too much meat is not healthy for you or the environment. The meat industry creates a lot of nasty pollution in order to be able to sell meat for everybody else in the world to eat - and a lot of land is used for that production too. Which means a lot of trees have been chopped down. So while you're free to snack on what you please, remember to be careful on how much you consume and where you're buying from (if you're able to!).
What will tomorrow's animal be? -
Today's Winning Animal: Saltwater Crocodile! ๐
Saltwater Crocs are very good because they:
- Are the largest living reptile in the world. Very big boys and girls.
- Can apply up to 5000 pounds of pressure when snapping their mouth shut. Per square inch. Chomp chomp be careful of these jaws!
- Sleep with one eye open! Looks like they took that saying quite literally. These Crocs are able to shut down only one half of their brain at a time, while keeping the other on the lookout for danger. Pretty spooky, right?
Once upon a time, Saltwater Crocodiles were almost hunted down to extinction, due to their bad reputation for being dangerous but also because of their hide which was considered to be highly valuable. Thankfully today, they're still alive and well. As long as you don't show up for a visit to their waters, you'll be alive and well too.
What will tomorrow's animal be? -
Today's Winning Animal: Three-toed Sloth! ๐
Three-toed sloths are very good because they:
- have special necks, which allow them to turn their heads 270 degrees. This is thanks to their extra neck vertebrae. Twist twist.
- can extend their lil tongues out to about 10-12 inches!
- can house other little critters within their fur too - such as, beetles or moths. Sloths get their green tint due to algae which grows on them too.
The Pygmy Three-toed Sloth is a type of Three-toed Sloth only found on Isla Escudo de Veraguas. Unfortunately, the Pygmy sloth is classified as critically endangered and the main cause of this is due to their habitats being destroyed and growing vastly smaller in size. Another risk for sloths is that they are the slowest mammal in the world, and lack the strength and speed to survive well on land. This leaves them open for many predators to attack. However, once again, the main reason for their species being at risk, is due to deforestation and their habitats shrinking in size because of this.
WWF apparently allows people to "adopt" a sloth (soft toy sloth) and that money spent will go towards protecting endangered species - such as the Pygmy Three-toed Sloth.
Check it out!
Please remember to always do your research before donating to any organization, however.
What will tomorrow's animal be? -
Today, we had a tie between the Boa Constrictor and the Mouse Lemur. So, I let a bot decide between the two. However, the one that did not get picked will go into the draw for tomorrow's animal again.
Today's Winning Animal: Boa Constrictor! ๐
Boa Constrictors are very good because they:
- help remove pests! Because their diet primarily consists of rodents, they're almost like an animal version of pest control. Pretty rad.
- have pelvic spurs which connect (internally) to rudimentary leg and pelvic bones. That's like, the remains of their hind legs! Spooky huh?
- they prefer to move in a straight line due to their large size, rather than the usual slither of an S shape like smaller snakes would do.
Boas are not endangered and can in fact, be bought as a pet in some areas! Many people are probably afraid of them, but boas do not hunt down humans - and they rarely get big enough to overpower an adult person. These snakes are often recognized as good beginner species. Just remember, they won't stay small forever!
What will tomorrow's animal be? -
Today's Winning Animal: Mouse Lemur! ๐
Mouse Lemurs are very good because they:
- Live in female dominated groups of up to 15!
- Grow between the sizes of 2.25 and 4.75 inches in length. Very very tiny babs.
- Live only on the island of Madagascar.
Did you know that there are over 20 or so species of Mouse Lemur? A lot of which have only been identified in recent years. Isn't that mysterious?
Lemurs main threat like many animals, is once again, deforestation. Due to the Mouse Lemurs tiny size, they're at risk for being attacked by predators too. Thankfully, these little boys and girls are protected from hunting, however, many are still captured to be sold as exotic pets.
what will tomorrow's animal be? -
Today's Winning Animal: Western Coyote! ๐
Western Coyote's are very good because they:
- Are actually omnivores! When they're not busy eating meat, they're snacking on plants and fruit or whatever else they might find!
- can run up to 40 miles an hour! Speedy lil pups
- Like to "sing" as a way to communicate to other Coyote families or their own families. What do you think their favourite song is?
Coyote's are not endangered or even threatened. In fact, their population continue to be on the rise and they're often considered pests due to their lovely diet of eating almost anything. Some have even eaten cats and dogs before. Isn't that a pleasant fact?
What will tomorrow's animal be?
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