Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
I also have a plant that I have not officially named, so I call her the White Queen. The White Queen is given her name because every like, six months she makes herself a crown of beautiful white flowers with soft, ever so curled petals. She has very light green stems and somehow managed to MAKE BABIES IN ANOTHER PLANT, I DON'T KNOW HOW BC SHE DOESN'T EVEN GROW SEEDS
So there's an unnamed royal baby in a pot with the tomato couple and Origami lol
If she doesnt make seeds but had a baby your white queen might be a white king
Oh, true
But I still love the name White Queen π
I'm gonna take about the tomato couple now teehee -
*in another pot, not plant
Cheesus Crust
One of the tomato plants has a big leaning issue because she's really tall but she had a cute little yellow flower and that's what matters to her
Also her sibling-buddy grew specifically according to her needs to hold her, stretching out a little arm and curling his leaves just the right way to help lift her up. I love it β€ -
Origami is just a durable little tomato plant who somehow did not die and is stunted, so he is just INCREDIBLY short with his little branches spread out just like a tree <3
He babysits the royal childeβ’ because he has nothing else to do -
I also have two unnamed plants with spikey potato like roots that I'll just call the bois, I got them as a gift from my German "grandmother" (not really my grandmother, but she's really generous, loves flowers and stuff like that, and will spoil any child she can get). The bois have been chilling
I'd eat your plants...
But vegetables = grossness
(in game, irl idc) -
Then there are the Charlies. My eldest sibling took a weed plant for an experiment or something and I loved it, so I kept it afterward. It was a cute little succulent until it grew
And when I say it grew
I actually have been taking care of some weed plants
The Charlies have already taken over almost their entire egg carton and are progressively inching towards Applemint and the White Queen. They can live on water, extremely durable, and spreads. Like a poinsettia, their green succulent leaves turn red to appease me, but most of the time a few just get some red freckles and that's all. They try though
They are trying to take over the garden. Nothing can stop the Charlies. I fear one day, I will be too late as they destroy everything in their path as they inch towards sunlight. They are coming -
I'll just finish rq
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