Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
I mean, he'd do something awful if you did something wrong (and he didn't kill you for it)
the alt: *exist*
me: i wont breathe -
Do it
Now for a picture
Well, I gotta go practice and then make his picture
Spice, I'm warning you;
Give me all your all food or I'll steal your sugars and spices. -
Nice try, but I have power beyond your wildest dreams. Yield and perhaps ye shall not be smited.
I'm not exactly angry, but I'm sort of angry for some reason
I have positively no idea why -
Which one for Nickola -
Yeah, I'm thinking A is better, and it seems to be the general consensus anyway.
B seems to catch his creepy side well, but A is the most eyeball pleasing.
Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking too, but the first one shows his creepiness, insanity, and everything else wrapped together
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