Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
Hm ok
Tomater patater
Might just look at art or GTQ history hmm
What're the odds that you get two elders in the randomizer xD
Idk, I was like "bruh" XD
I'll be the rickety old grandcats that tell the other cats to get off their lawn lol -
Do you want an extra cat, or for me to reroll one of them? -
Nah, I want them >:)
Oki den
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand just noticed you're afk :(
Sorry :(
Everyone's making new threads but this is the only successful official thread I've ever had, so I might hold on to this lol -
Canty cane
Me and my friend made a new word for 2021 and it is WAY too close to boixe, it's pronounced the same at a certain case and it means the same
Crud -
Eye hurty -
Well heck
I need Egg's advice and soon -
Je Te Pardonne came out and it is fire đŸ”¥
Babie I love u
Let me hug u <3
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