Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
How sure, Jay
How sure 🔍 -
i’ve heard your voice and it doesn’t sound very mature, but that’s all i really have to judge upon. your voice sounds much like a thirteen-year-old girl’s.
To be fair, it does lol
👢👗✨ -
This is the woman of good will
Do you choose to allow her in your castle
Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>no -
She is allowed to enter -
Givemeh the spider! >:c
He's mine
You swatted him
Spice I just thought of something.
What if Linnus started making clones?
For the occasional agent who goes rogue and would still be of value to the organization, a clone shall be made for them. They will then be trained to support and uphold the values of Linnus fully. -
Actually, I don't know if clones have the same memories as the original person, I'm going to look into that.
As I thought, they only share the same things genetically. They'd look exactly alike, but they'd have different personalities, and the memories are just starting for the clone, so they wouldn't have the same memories that the original had.
Oh. My. God. I love it.
That would make everything so wildly confusing for Kenna and Ander if there's like an Ander clone or something. -
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