Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
Spice returned to the Stage! But where is she now...?
'Aight, hang on, Eggins
I saw I post and I was like-
Zooom -
Heyo, Cham! What's up :D -
Cheese. Cheese is up
š -
Why is that sad :c
Hi Spoce!
I gtg but I'll be back in like half an hour, can we rp then? (Why am I asking you that. The Stage Beast goes to all roleplays no matter what XD) -
Pfft XD
I will be zoomie >:) -
You there, Spice? -
Ye ye
RP time? -
I posted there
Drakestorm caught Nightpelt a rabbit :) -
Awie :3
Nightpelt got a magpie for Drakestorm
Honestly, their relationship is so wholesome -
The best. Like, that should exist somewhere is the series
Posted again! -
*zoomie noises*
The thing is, in WC books they often don't put an emphasis on how powerful a mother's love is for her kit, even if they're all grown up. We need more Nightpelts and Drakestorms in the series >:(
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