Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
Maybe I'll listen to Guillotine. There's a certain part where it's just so good.
Well, I think I'm gonna head off the site in a bit.
And I'm back, because my brain is doing me a dumb.
Heyo, Egg!
How're ya doing
I'm eggscellent, thank you. How are you?
Sunny side up here thank you very mulch
Everything's sweet and spicy over here :D
Meanwhile the RPs are heating up.
I know, I didn't set a timer. Wait...
And Peters going crazy in the crowd
And Annie's acting as his personal bodyguard.
Meanwhile Archimedes heals all the injured in the crowd.
While Wren is having fun being a tourist with Sgrios, Misty, and Adolpha.
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