Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
I was thinking that might be under the sidekick one, but yeah, that could work.
And also that other person that always seems to throw their plans off.
that one person
I need to be less of a ball of insignificant mush sometimes.
Same here 😭
Nu! You're a good person ^_^
I have to figure out a birthday present :P -
If I were an animal, I'd probably be a dog, deer, or a hummingbird.
I’d be a frito
I'd say a dog mebbe -
I wanted to be a wolf at first
But I was like, “Haha, no wait. I actually like Fritos” -
Fritos must classify as an animal! If so, I'm a bag of Skittles.
I named a cat Skittles.
1. She's calico, so she's got a bunch of colors
2. She's skittish
I also named one Stubby because of his bitty tail, so there goes my creativity points -
My brain cells are dying
I fOrGoT aBoUt ThE sToRy I wAs WrItInG bAsEd OfF oF tHe Rp!!!!!!
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