The Paradox Dimension
Thread Topic: The Paradox Dimension
Hmm. It's saddening
It's almost maddening!
Who is Kish and why is everyone repeating the same phrase!?!? I'm so confused!!!!
An old inactive mod lmao
we r bully uwu
If a mod is inactive for awhile, I suppose it's fair game. Also, I just found one of my old, oooooold accounts. Big oof to how I used to behave
Oof I feel that
hello kish it hasnt been too long since you ghosted me, but i think that i DESERVE a concise answer. you are a lazy arrogant son of a c---worm and i think that you are the worst mod next to one of the blizzard mods and you probably dont want to free china and youre a gay fish
I acted completely different 8 years ago.
Almost like a lovesick puppy, wanting attention
I don't think I've completely grown out of it either. Because one of my first thoughts when coming back here was "I wonder how Ember is doing". And it looked like I was having fun back then, albeit in a very childish way
Oh, hello Gay Fish. I didn't see you there
I just have to say though, for those of you who remember how I acted back in the day, I do apologize. I was a caps lock, yelling child of a user at times
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