The Paradox Dimension
Thread Topic: The Paradox Dimension
And a few of them have almost burned down my house. Never keep pepper near dragons. Ever
Alright, I can't let that one slide. He who shall not be named called another person a newb as if they themselves were not. Same rank. I'm going close my phone browser so I can't watch anymore.
Don't stress.
*leaves thread carrying a bunch of lizards in my arms, dropping a trail as I run away* -
I feel like 17 now. Shoot
Oi! Come back here with my characters! You don't want to be holding...most of them!
*gives most back. Shoves a few in my pockets* -
*proceeds to eat Raiden's pocket from the inside*
*throws remaining characters out pockets and runs away* -
Man. I actually got some sleep
Goodnight GTQ
Oof. Still tired
Sorry about the fight š
Ow. Bad morning. Woke up with a headache
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