For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time.
- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Apr 4, '21 3:47amReason: Locked at creator's request.
Thread Topic: For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time.
I'm sure you are just as good as them. I chose my friends wisely. Choose those that are loyal and respects everyone. And I died by homework
I do not envy you
I never did homework when I was in school lmao -
What? So you got punished Road?
I definitely didn't have great grades if that's what you mean
If you added all the tests I did this fall, I got roughly 98.9%
you're a good egg draco -
No biggie. I study a lot till my hands fall off
Just joking
I never feel awake anymore
I feel like I'm dreaming -
ohgof here we are again
Are you on now?
I was unconscious sorry lol
I'll kiss my suicide note goodbye,
thick red lipstick stains;
"I no longer wish to live this life,
with love, yours truly".
Spritz the paper with my favorite cologne
and I'll have effectively left a replacement
to fill the chasm that should have been occupied
by a better child, better sibling, better worker, better lover, better person.
I'll take the page from the prettiest notebook I have,
rewrite it again and again until the letters look nice enough
to be the last thing you remember of me.
I'll give you the space in my death that you occupied in my life,
not a mention, a line or even a chapter.
Missing you will be the underlying theme
to every word I write.
If you read this aloud and don't taste
mourning on your tongue,
I have not done you justice. -
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