- Sins Haven -
Thread Topic: - Sins Haven -
You’re one of the only people who talk to me on here and you are so sweet!
Thank you! You're really nice and a good fren •√•
Np and thanks! What are ya doing anyway? :3
Talking to you, and being a total lazy butt.
Awwww lazy butt? Why does that sound cute? 💀💀💀
0//0 Huh????
Sorry I’m caffeine high -
Np, I know how that feels lol
I get this thing whenever I've been up too long, I call it "nighttime stoopy" -
Nighttime stoopy? Why does that sound cute? 💀💀💀
😊 -
I think it just does, in a way!
Probably because you
Nvm uwu
I wanna know -
It’s ... NOTHING :3
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