Excavation Site 64
Thread Topic: Excavation Site 64
I don't remember that part of the song
Slumber on me with your mod powers -
Hey there, lil banana
What's up, big papi?
An AC is up for me.
Yee? -
An AC is up? I don't know how that works but this is how I see it
I'm chilling in my room. Finally got my AC set up. :) -
Looks like someone hung themself or something
Ahh? Thats đ -
Nvm. I was looking at it sideways
What the heck lol
It is. :)
I'm off to bed, eyes feel heavy. Goodnight Cody! -
Goodnight lmao
Shouldn't have posted that much information, but oh well.
it's been so long since iv seen that movie
I love that movie and the credits song
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