Thread Topic: br0wnie
like sickly sweet smelling stuff, or anything with "cream" in the name is pretty much a no-go
there's only so much creamy pineapple cheesecake i can take before i feel like i'm gonna choke
one smell i can't ever get sick of though is coffee. my mom used to have four cups of it every day, no matter the time or weather
i don't really drink coffee crazily like that but i do definitely like it and will get it when i can afford to. the $1.50 mcdonald's iced coffees are a lifesaver
i love the caramel iced coffee with extra caramel syrup, but the syrup so thick it just sits at the bottom as soon as they pour it and it's kinda awkward having to mix it with a straw
I had a coffee-free cappuccino today because caffeine is bad for me, idk if I like it or not.
you ever have decaf coffee? some people like it, it's not quite as strong, i don't like it personally tho because i want strong coffee
Coffee makes me sick, sadly, so I can't drink it. ๐ฅบ
or duh-doy. they might have put decaf in your cappuccino
i love french vanilla cappuccinos, but i like lattes the most -
ohhhh nvm ok
starbucks has nice refreshers but they are sooo expensive -
I should've asked. I didn't throw up, so if they did, at least there's that.
yeaaa that would make sense cause a cappuccino is a coffee with steamed milk, just put decaf and made it more foamy
i've heard of people with a caffeine allergy but i didn't know if it was true -
*they probably just put
idk why im skipping half a sentence haha guess i should proofread more -
Well, I'm only not allowed to have caffeine because I'm bipolar and they think it triggers mania. It's the coffee itself that makes me sick, cause I've had a whole Bang before with no issues.
ohhh i gotcha. i didn't know you had bipolar, that's something we have in common
but ahhh idk i can't get behind energy drinks, to me it kinda just tastes like flat pop. i'll have to look at coffee triggering mania cause that makes me really curious, i tend to get real jittery for a few hours when i have it but i'm not sure if that's classified as a manic episode
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