Thread Topic: Biohazard
I hath returned
So, my mom wamts me to go to church with her tomorrow night. I'm not a Chrisitan anymore. I have before because I do love the people their, but I don't know. It just doesn't sit right with me anymore. I feel really uneasy when I step into the church.
I might as well make my schedule for tomorrow
[]Brush teeth
[]Take out/walk doggos
[]Eat banana for breakfast
[]Exercise 1 hour (min.)
[]Eat two boiled eggs w/ one peice of toast (or yogurt)
[]Sit down and draw
[]Edit project for friend on Amino/Discord
[]Work on Project S0L for Discord Server
[]Finish at least one quest in Skyrim -
First two down
I haven’t seen you in awhile 😅 -
Hey, how are you? :3
Mmm. Bio hazardous materials. Got any to spare?
Life sucks a** right now
I have to go to work at two, and my ride still isn't here.
I hath arrived at work
Hope your day goes well, blue (:
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