Thread Topic: Biohazard
I gotta walk the pupperinos
"But, what exactly is the point of life?" The young chap asked, holding his stuffed teddy bear in his hands.
"I could explain in great detail theories and blantant quarrels of indifference, but life my dear grandson, is what you make it to be."
The old man sat in his rcoking chair and lit his smoking pipe. As he got older, time got faster. Life was an unfair race, that no one could escape from. The memories of others is what kept him alive to this point, but he knew his time was drawing nigh. -
Work time
But the plus side is money :3
very true, good plus side
I am thinking about getting another job though
changing jobs or working 2 jobs?
Changing to a better paying job. My mom won't let me work two jobs
better job is better
I agree
Le1F Advancedjinxxxxxxxxx
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