Splash Mountain
Thread Topic: Splash Mountain
I wonder if they'll renames Splash Mountain when they rethemed it to Princess And The Frog. I kinda hope not. The name of the ride has no real ties to Song of The South and it's an iconic staple of park history. I can see if they want to completely distance themselves from it though.
I'm Randy Butternubs.
I really have to pee but my grandmother's on the phone with her therapist in the kitchen and I don't want to have to go anywhere near that
Bro... I think I'm gonna die obsessed with Guys And Dolls.
It's mostly nostalgia, it's just that no other musical or other form of media can make me happy the way it can. Nothing makes me feel the way it does.
I'm endlessly glad that Guys And Dolls was the first show I was ever in. Listening to it now feels like being wrapped up in a blanket.
I went to a blm protest today and even though I couldn't find my friends so I was alone for most of it, it was fun.
I had the idea last night to write a musical about steampunk cowboys that hunt steampunk vampires. Although I might just run a roleplay about it 🤷‍♀️
I also had the idea (while watching the new-ish Halloween movie) for a TV show about teenage girls in the 80's who all are the last survivors of various horror movie scenarios who then team up to start killing horror movie bad guys.
That could also work as a roleplay potentially though
It's 11:30 ish and I'm tired and I wanna go to bed because I have an alarm set for 7:15 so I can go on a morning hike but my dad's making chicken and I'm hungry
I want to crochet a shawl for myself but all the patterns I find online are for triangle shawls. Like NO I want to make a shawl that screams "I'm a white girl and I think adding a dainty shawl to this outfit makes me look like I'm not like other girls"
Something with arm holes
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