Splash Mountain
Thread Topic: Splash Mountain
White rice. And oddly, soy sauce on packets from restaurants. Not the good stuff. What was eleven o'clock me thinking with that craving? đŸ¤”
I feel like aoy of traffic in the forums lately has been spam :/
hi guys! Wait a sec did you say you loved me s e?
Le1F Advancedyea I think he wants 2 d8 u
she said it in another thread
Le1F Advancedso i guess she said it twice it looks like ur datin
Oh in Kat's thread that was directed towards her, sorry for the confusion! >_
I gotta go get my boyfriend his present today I'm super excited
I fell down the stairs at my friend's house during the Christmas party so now my leg is all bruises
but i do love you
Oh neat
I miss the way this site used to be
I've never seen Annie
But I like the music so I'm actually really excited to be in it
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