Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
Evil time change
Oh but I'm not. I needed him to drive me to school (he's my neighbor + family friend). And then like afterward I realized it was just him and me. But like he's very much friendzoned, and he knows that
That's almost worse to a guy
Which guy tho? The friendzoned one who I spent time with, or my guy?
The worst punishment -
We're okay tho. I really did try to give him a chance (before I was with my guy), but hey we both knew it wouldn't work out. And we talked a while back and we're good as friends.
Shushhhhh I'm like the most innocent girl you know xD -
I don't think you even understand what I've got going on lol
One, my guy and I are not technically together. We're sort of unofficial. And even then... I'm not the one who's disloyal. -
I'm not a player lol. 18, never had a bf, still a virgin. So don't accuse me of anything xD
I have been going as slow as heck with this guy
I have a dog in my room and he's cute -
The guilty slaps the jury
D. All of the above -
I'd chat, start trouble, and then leave bro
Oh have fun with that 🙃 -
Really wish he would talk to me rn :/ or ever
laze i saw yiur name in the forums and i was astounded.
she wasnt, fyi -
Yeah no I wasn't.
Hi tho -
Hows life mr ahhhhh
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