Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
That's always the worst. I mean no power 's bad too
No power doesnt bother a bit it just sucks cause no coffee
It sucks if you can't charge your phone lol.
91 percent so im good
Good for you XD
I'm going to bed lol -
Oh its Halloween
CordeliaAMermaid NoviceYep, happy Halloween!
😢 im sorry i cant do it
I tried twice now but i cant
Im a wuss -
Do what? And I bet you're not a wuss
Dont worry its between star and i
Disappointment level :(
Hi there Cordelia -
Your choice lol
I'm not surprised at Dark's weight...shes a smol bean hehehehehe. I can't talk tho I'm like 97 lbs. -
I'm tinyyyy. I'm like 5'2" dont judge xD
I feel like most guys could :(
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