Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
And what are your gun laws btw? Just curious
Ok I'm crashing
1 u need a permit in order to get a lermit you must meet certain specs do certain tests then get a weapon competance certificate only then can u apply for a permit
But the lines are blurry on that part cause its all about something that i dont really wanna talk about cause its a touchy subject on goto
Once applied u must wait 6 month before they tell u if u got it or nah
A standard permit allows 4 guns and they may not be automatic or semi auto
Bolt action rifles pump action/double barrel shotguns pistols are allowed in semi auto
The permit must be renewed every 5 years
When u buy a gun u go to gun store pick a gun pay then u get a smal slip u take that to the police station then they will register the gun and u wait 3 to 6 months for the liscense of that specific gun the u take the card to gun shop and get ur gun
Which also needs to be renewed every 5 years -
Unnbhhh rules. Sounds complicated
And i dont qualify because i have depression so im stuck with a co2 pistol and a crappy air rifle XD
Oh well have fun with that π
I cant keep my eyes open goodnight -
Is a restriction on gun ownership for people with depression to prevent suicide?
Most likely
π my throat is so swollen and sore from this f---ing infection that whenever i swallow my hot coffee it makes my ears itch
Aw I'm sorry. Go away infection >:(
We got homecoming tomorrow
cool, me too.
Ack I hate mosquitoes. I know I said I dislike spiders the most, but I almost want to change that answer to mosquitoes xD
Also, I somehow did end up hooked on Stranger Things. Serge was right xD
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