Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
Lucifer Is a Feg
Say what now
Lucifer is feg
And what makes you think that xD
Because God is Good
It's true
What's weird is that I can't click on my old polls, or really anyone else's old polls.
You saw that coming -
ColorsOfTheWind NewbieStarbarst
Heya cody
ColorsOfTheWind NewbieWho?
ColorsOfTheWind NewbieWait...that's me.
What's up? -
Uh yeah that's you 😂
I'm going to go fake death for 10 hours 😴 -
ColorsOfTheWind NewbieI forgot- 😂
Alrighty. See ya later -
I have to go through my profile just to go to my thread just bc whatever link to the lounge doesn't work....
This is weird
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