Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
The timing is good for once
co2_nitro Newbiecan you guys be my friends???
The newbies stalk this old newbie. Who knew.
Nananannanananaa BATMAN
I also stalk you Γ°ΕΈβ’Ζ
XD the even older newbie lol
Eh, I stalk you too lol -
Why is the first day so badddd
Why is it for your sweet 16 you get a date who gives you a rose and takes you everywhere and is so darn sweet while I had just had no one plan anything for me. I literally just went to the mall with my MOM.
Am a loser. -
I stalk all
Well good for you.
Wait I've never met you before, have I? Hello -
Le hiss
Anyone who says
Is 68% more likesly to develop AIDS -
Ah well you just said it right there. I'm pretty sure everyone's said it before lol.
Jazzy: Who knew.
Who knew what now?
Oh, is that you in the pic?
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