Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
Depends on how I die D:
Make it fast -
fast death guaranteed
thank you for not dragging it out 😌
at 8:00 tonight you will die
Darn could you push it to after 11?
I have plans.
so you want to die after you have fun
but the death is fun -
Dying, no. Being dead, sure. I'll go to heaven :D still, you know, hoping to make it a little farther through life until that day. You only get one life, spend it wisely type thing.
it will feel exciting when you experience the fun death
Heh yeah...exciting. But not very enjoyable. 😕
it is enjoyable too
at 11:01 someone will come to your house and kill you
I thought the deranged kitty was going to kill me
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