Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
And I want to bundle up in blanket inside and never leave lol. What's the weather like where you're at? And are you still quarantined??
51 outside and yes :(
Oh I guess it's only 61 here, but feels like 53. It was like in the 40s this morning? And I'm cold.
Aww :( -
I should be out tommorow.
Ok great :)
So... What are able to do today? -
Sit in bed
Oh joy.
I hope SG comes and sees this. I made a Disney quiz xD
I keep checking my phone, even though I know no one's texted me or anything. 😕
Beth disappeared what is happening
When public schoolers get off school tomorrow but you don't 😤
I have school tomorrow:(
Small holidays like Martin Luther King Jr day doesn't count on my mom's school calendar ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
And ick you're not so fortunate then...
Weird trend going around xD
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