The Wolfie's Den
Thread Topic: The Wolfie's Den
let's make another one!!
u got it bby im just here for the entertainment
aw darn it
tbh i probably couldnt forn a story rn ;)
pls halp me wolfeh
write a tragic love stosy pls
i got no inspiration tho
dang flabbite
distresso depresso espresso
Hey Hey Hoi.
2 and a 1/2
S l e e p -
sweet baby jesus i got sleep god is good
One day there was a terrorist attack in Canada, and the terrorist was a Muslim girl who believed that Allah had told her to commit acts of terrorism. The following day, she went to Russia so she could get Vladimir Putin to agree with her plan to nuke Iceland because she hated anti Muslim white people.
One year later there was an earthquake in Malaysia and one minute later there was a tsunami in Estonia and the world had officially fallen into disaster. Five seconds later there was a school shooting in Latvia, and then everyone in Japan died because of a nuclear holocaust. The next day, most of the people in India and China were deported to Antarctica, and that solved the overpopulation problem. Kim Jong un then decided to nuke his own country and South Korea as well. Three days later, the Muslim terrorist girl decided to nuke Russia because Vladimir Putin didn't agree to her plan, but this backfired and the Muslim terrorist girl was taken back to Saudi Arabia to be killed by Taliban soldiers.
The next day all of the countries in the world were nuked except for Finland.
one hundred 💯 out of one hundred 💯 for me ➡👩 on creating such a wonderful 👼🎆 story
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