The Official Thread Of Officialness
Thread Topic: The Official Thread Of Officialness
I know that feeling. xD
I'm an introvert in real life. When I meet someone new, I'm dead silent. Around people I hang out with, I'm a lot more talkative. However, every social situation drains me.
Sounds about right! I've found that it really depends on which friend group I'm with to determine how interactive I'll be; and then around family members I'm introverted as heck
ReeseButtercup NewbieHello, may I come in?
Yes, you may :D
ReeseButtercup NewbieYay haha. So how are you?
I'm good! How are you?
ReeseButtercup NewbieI'm good! Just chillin.
So what do you wanna talk about? -
I dunno xD what kind of stuff do you like? What types of shows?
ReeseButtercup NewbieXD I'm so bad at talking. I love books, Disney movies, Sitcoms, cooking shows... I'm pretty lame lol. What about you?
I like that good shi- 👌👌 and by good shi- I mean anime shi- 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Excuse my language lol
I also watch an unhealthy amount of youtube -
ReeseButtercup NewbieOoh fun. I like Youtube! Mostly I read. I'm kinda a nerd. Do you like reading?
Heck yeah I do :0
You read Percy Jackson? Harry Potter? The maze runner? Hunger games? Uglies? -
ReeseButtercup NewbieI've read Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Hunger Games! I LOVE them!
This is random, but I used to have an account called CressPotter, but I forgot the password lol -
That's okay lol
I've forgotten many passwords and I've had many accounts before (this has always been my original though, and I only remember the password because I use this password for most of my stuff
Broooo check out the maze runner though, it's epic (there's movies out as well, but I've only seen a smidge of them. Besides, the book is usually better in my opinion)
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