Charlie's Official Thread
- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Dec 19, '16 6:35amReason: Locked at the creators' request.
Thread Topic: Charlie's Official Thread
We wish you a boring Christmas
And stupid new year -
I'll speak Spanish now
Hola gente
Hola Human!
Como estas?
qu hay de nuevo?
Google says that means: What's new? -
I believe (without using google)
You said how am I.
Soy bueno!
I know some Spanish, but not all. -
Me too
I mean 'yo tambien'
Todos estan durmiendo como queso sagrado hoy
Everyone's sleeping like holy cheese today -
Tout le monde dort comme le saint fromage aujourd'hui
Everyone's sleeping like holy cheese today -
Te amo! -
Morning Lovebirds!
New page
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