Charlie's Official Thread
- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Dec 19, '16 6:35amReason: Locked at the creators' request.
Thread Topic: Charlie's Official Thread
And you too!! PLEASE!!!
Ahahhahaahaha no
Ok go ahead.
I'll just ACT nice -
f--- america
f--- every other pathetic country
And f--- you too
*nicely* -
Hi joker1001001001001001!!!!!
I'm about to share my true colours!
I'm always nice to whoever is nice to me, if you're bad I'll be a hundred times worse!!
I'm really angry now! And I feel like breaking something.
But my momma is gonna kill me -
[/cheese Louise I'm bored]
How do they do this text stuff
[/i like this]
Like this [/i]
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