gtq ain't a house though
- Locked due to inactivity on Jan 24, '17 3:54am
Thread Topic: gtq ain't a house though
more like a special needs classroom filled with people that have heavy uncanny reminiscence of the physically and mentally crippled
its 2 thirty in the morning what are you doing up
mother go 2 sleep :(
youre grounded give me your ipad
rong mom I'm using my ipod uGHHHHH U BARELY UNDERSTAND!1!1#11#
you got three seconds before i come in there and whoop that ass with this damn belt give me your ipod
2.. -
im running away u dont even let me have sex :(
b---- !!! I provide you with a house and clothes THERE ARE KIDS IN AFRICA STARVIN U f---IN LUCKY U EVEN GOT AN IPOD
pack lipgloss and booty short and jumps out winder -
my babu ..... shes gon
i dndt think u acruallt wuld do it ......
i hav nothin 2 liv 4 -
i walk a lonely rod
the onle 1 that i have evar known
text on instagrm snapchet
Omgx gais my mom is so lame and a b---- i ran away com pic me up!1!1!1 -
post on fecebok status
"Ive nevr felt so brokn insie........,,,"
txt on ur pge
ew dafuq mom
im getting bob my boifriend to pic me up n liv with his friend
he said i could have sex 4 money
what a woderorful job!!!!! wonder what it's called
donr do it hiney!!!!!1!1!1!1!1; its prostritution and it illeegul!!!!!
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