No Subject
- Locked due to inactivity on Jan 15, '17 3:54am
Thread Topic: No Subject
I have those painful hiccups that make your chest feel like it's being stabbed when you hiccup.
glass water
Drew Drew Drew -
i thought you hated me
You tick me off sometimes, but I don't hate you.
so how's school? -
You're a wonderful person when no one's mad. ye
Good because my grades are good, and I got that Christmas piece down for the Christmas concert that was giving me panic attacks.
Aren't you a freshman? -
That's good. ;; Why panic attacks?
Yeah. Why? -
Everyone says to just fake it if you can't play your part, but I really can't fake play. I freeze up and can't think straight. I also have the melody. I need to know it. It's Gucci now.
Everyone says freshman year is the worst. -
Ah, that's good. xP And how would you fake a solo? (If it is a solo plate.)
OH YES LISTEN TO THEM ON HELL YEAH IT IS. It's always conceived by people of older grades that it gets better, but I personally don't believe that notion at all.
Freshman year is one of the worst. You're starting out fresh in ajungle of hormones where everyone is out for themselves, compassion and understanding is not advisednew atmosphere where college is a few steps away but not quite. Homework, the people, the teachers, the grades, the expectation to join as much clubs and extracurriculars to sacrifice your integrity and external life to Satan to diminish any remaining social life you held dear during your precious years of junior high/middle school to become top competition at major private universities. It's either you make it or fall in the pit and never come out, because no one is holding a rope for you to possibly climb back up and try again at the basis.
Guidance counselors are pretty much compensated robots that are paid to take care of things they don't give a s--- about, such as your service hours, grades, standarized test scores that pretty much tell you that you're either a loser or a winner, you know? The whole shabang.
Teachers aren't with that middle-school s--- anymore. They let you run in the playground and want you to get hurt by the other kids, that are either savage or can be civil, it depends on their motivations. And this is all in the name of "colleges will love you! you might be totally emotionally crippled and anxious for whatever armageddon to approach during your lifetime, but college! college!"
It's also the time to discover your interests. Look at me, I quit art. I am somewhat interested in it, but due to my apparent lack of talent in the field I no longer want to induce myself with the torture and comparisons that are yet to come from my abhorrent creations. I am still trying to find what fits me best. What you liked earlier on probably will fade away eventually, but it's pretty normally to experiment with what you like and what you don't like.
Otherwise, this game such as high school is nothing more than a test of dignity, morals, responsibility, pride, insanity. Once you're in the system, you have to find a way individually to bend it to your satisfaction. -
;-; man that took me years to write. please notice me again
There's a solo in Christmas Air and Dance. A Cartoon Christmas has a few parts where we toss the melody back and forth. There's also a part where it's focused on my section with lower voices backing us up in the brass section. That's it. It's not too difficult if you can count and can jump octaves.
My science teacher said freshman and sophomore years are the worst, and junior and senior years are the best. He went around and asked what everyone wanted to major in and what part of the field they wanted to study. I said I wanted to major in music and be a university marcher and later a band director. I said it really quietly and said Please don't. I have the bravery of a chicken nugget. before it was my turn. -
Oh. ;-; I don't know all this music stuff, so-
Nah, I think it's freshman and junior year that are the two worst, since they are the most important and stressful.
Awwww. ;u; You're so shy. -
No one really does. 😂
You have a point.
We don't speak of this.
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